Soaring Spirit - Edition of 42

from $680.00

"Soaring Spirit" embodies the transcendent journey of inner exploration and spiritual awakening. It symbolises the expansive potential within each individual to ascend beyond the confines of the material world and connect with the higher realms of consciousness.

In the flight of the "Soaring Spirit," we discover the profound interconnectedness of all existence. It represents a harmonious integration of mind, body, and soul, where the boundaries between self and others dissolve, and we recognise the unity that binds us all.

Moreover, "Soaring Spirit" serves as a reminder of the inherent divinity within each being. It speaks to the universal quest for spiritual fulfilment and enlightenment, inspiring us to cultivate a deeper connection with the sacred essence that resides within and around us.

Ultimately, "Soaring Spirit" invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. It encourages us to embrace the boundless potential of our spiritual consciousness and enlightenment through nature and to seek unity and harmony.

About the Dancer:

Jessie Oshodi is a highly talented dancer and very creative and intuitive art director.

She has worked with Lucy Guerin and Carrie Cracknell, Antony Hamilton, Shaun Parker and in films with choreography by Stephanie Lake and Garry Stewart. She also worked at Dancenorth performing works by Raewyn Hill and Cameron McMillan.


About the Edition quantity:

Choosing a number for my editions felt very arbitrary to me. So, to infuse it with a touch of cosmic significance, I settled on 42—a nod to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," where it's hailed as the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. It took a supercomputer seven and a half million years to crack it, leading to the creation of another supercomputer, Earth, to figure out what the question actually was.

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"Soaring Spirit" embodies the transcendent journey of inner exploration and spiritual awakening. It symbolises the expansive potential within each individual to ascend beyond the confines of the material world and connect with the higher realms of consciousness.

In the flight of the "Soaring Spirit," we discover the profound interconnectedness of all existence. It represents a harmonious integration of mind, body, and soul, where the boundaries between self and others dissolve, and we recognise the unity that binds us all.

Moreover, "Soaring Spirit" serves as a reminder of the inherent divinity within each being. It speaks to the universal quest for spiritual fulfilment and enlightenment, inspiring us to cultivate a deeper connection with the sacred essence that resides within and around us.

Ultimately, "Soaring Spirit" invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. It encourages us to embrace the boundless potential of our spiritual consciousness and enlightenment through nature and to seek unity and harmony.

About the Dancer:

Jessie Oshodi is a highly talented dancer and very creative and intuitive art director.

She has worked with Lucy Guerin and Carrie Cracknell, Antony Hamilton, Shaun Parker and in films with choreography by Stephanie Lake and Garry Stewart. She also worked at Dancenorth performing works by Raewyn Hill and Cameron McMillan.


About the Edition quantity:

Choosing a number for my editions felt very arbitrary to me. So, to infuse it with a touch of cosmic significance, I settled on 42—a nod to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," where it's hailed as the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. It took a supercomputer seven and a half million years to crack it, leading to the creation of another supercomputer, Earth, to figure out what the question actually was.